Friday, September 14, 2012

Google to Block/Ban/Censor Website Ranking from Search Engine on Copyright Removal/DMCA Notices from Reputed Owners

If you're Web Owner, Web Master, Blogger or Web Developer than you must be aware of upcoming Changes in Google Algorithm for Website Ranking in GoogleSearch Engine. We all know about how Google Panda and Google Penguinseffecting websites and blogs from months and so and Google always trying to reduce unethical and unnatural website results from its Search Engine to minimize spamming and provide ethical and useful Search Results to users and now Google is introducing new Algorithm changes in upcoming days and weeks. According to Google blog post, Google Algorithm update and changes will take place in next coming weeks to deliver Better and Natural Search Results to Search Queries on Google Search Engine. Google have developed approx. 200 signals to deliver better search experience to users and to deliver the best possible results and now Google is trying to add a new signal on its search rankings.

Google Logo

The new upcoming Google Algorithm change will deliver and ensure to block, ban and censor those unethical website on DMCA notices or valid copyright removal notices Google will received from reputed owners and companies.Websites and Blogs having numerous numbers of removal notices may appear lower in our Search Engine Results which will help users to find legitimate, quality essential and ethical sources of content oriented websites and blogs. In result of this Google Algo change any Music Shared websites, Live TV Streamed websites, Online Music Streamed website or any user based file sharing website having copied and shared content may get affected with it if any owner claimed and submit DMCA notices or valid copyright removal notices to Google.

According to Google, Company is receiving and processing more copyright removalnotices every day than they did in all of 2009, more than 4.3 million URLs in the last 30 days alone. We will now be using this data as a signal in our search rankings. Google further said that company cannot determine whether a particular webpage content does or does not violate copyright law so for that the only way to determine the correct copyright law is by giving authority to copyright holders if they know something is authorized or not, and only courts can decide if a copyright has been infringed or not. Google won't remove any webpages or its content from Search EngineResults until and unless they receive a valid copyright removal notice from the reputed owner. After the removal of content or webpage from Search EngineGoogle will continue to provide "Counter-Notice" to the owner of affected websites so that those who believe their content has been wrongly removed can get it reinstated because Google believes in transparent copyright removals. So i suggest every Web Owner, Web Master, Blogger or Web Developer to get prepare before the new Google Algorithm for Website Ranking in Google Search Engine take place in next week. You can read more details on this news from official Google Blog Post.
Source :-techglobex


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